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  1. Last week
  2. WM_NYAA joined the community
  3. I have made some changes to our email backend to combat spam more effectively. If you run into any issues, please let me know.
  4. Earlier
  5. FrenzyBiscuit posted a post in a topic in General Discussion
    What this topic is about I’ve stressed this many times and I want to make it painfully clear: You are responsible for backing up your data. Yes, we are a hosting provider. Yes, we take database backups. No, those backups are not frequent and are intended for us to be able to restore service in the event of a complete failure. KVM Users Backup your crap. We take 0 backups of KVMs. In the future we may have a backup server for the kvms, but it’s not going to happen until there are more KVM users to justify the service. Email Users You’re covered to an extent. Everything on the email server is in a database, which we backup. No, we do not do frequent backups. Yes, you should be backing up your emails! Social Users Database backups are performed infrequently. We do not backup images. Please do not use our fediverse services as your file host. Chat Users: If you are using our chat service for RAG (inserting documents into the database), well, we backup the data. It’s just not frequent backups. Please make sure you backup any data you input into the system that you want saved.
  6. FrenzyBiscuit posted a post in a topic in General Discussion
    What is this topic about? Our email server has the option of adding at-rest encryption with S/MIME or OpenPGP. It is not enabled by default What do you recommend? I recommend you enable this option! You will need to generate a OpenPGP key or have a S/MIME certificate. How does this work? All new emails on the server going to your account become encrypted at rest, meaning that nobody without your key will be able to read them. Don’t lose your key! We cannot decrypt the emails for you. If you lose your key, you lose your emails. Period. Email Clients Some email clients support encryption, including Mozilla Thunderbird and Canary. Apples email client on MacOS (not iOS) also supports encryption, provided you use the GPGSuite extension. Linux email clients such as KMail and Evolution should also support encrypted emails. Webmail Client Our webmail client also supports reading encrypted emails. Although, I really don’t recommend using this for reading encrypted emails from a security perspective. Because it’s a shared email client based on PHP. And even though roundcube has been tested extensively, it can still be hacked. It’s far safer for you to use your local email client. This is especially true if you are dealing with sensitive emails.
  7. Who we are: Ready.Art is a small group of users. We are also a hosting provider. What do we do and what do we host: Our primary focus is on LLM’s (see here). We also provide hosting for email, social (fediverse), KVM (VPS) and Chat (LLM with OpenAI API key and chat interface). How it’s financed: These services are free. We will never charge you money for them. However, as a free hosting provider we have a limit on how many users we can provide hosting to. As such, while we are currently open for signups this may become a private community & host in the future. As for how long the hosting will be up.. well. I finance it out of my own pocket. I have no intention of discontinuing the hosting, however if I ever run into financial issues I obviously won’t be able to finance it further. Just being upfront about that. Expansion plans: We have no current expansion plans. I am looking into getting another GPU for the chat server, but other then that everything is staying as it is. In the event we have to expand due to an influx of users, I still have the finances to do this, so I’m not concerned about that. In the event we can’t take more users, I’ll simply reject new signups and make the community private.
  8. This document is intended for the average person. So in layman speak: Illegal Use: The service provided by us may not be used for any illegal purposes or in support of any illegal activity. We reserve the right to cooperate with any legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected criminal or civil wrongdoing. We are based in the United States, so those laws apply. Child Pornography: It’s not allowed. Images or videos of children or depictions of such: We understand (and fully support) artists who may be drawing or painting minors. We do not allow any suggestive content, pornographic content, etc, of children. For real-life images or videos, we generally allow PG-Rated content provided they are in a crowd and are not the focus of the image or video. However, we again do not allow any suggestive content. In addition, if you are posting images or videos of your child regularly online it’s a little odd and creepy and please don’t. Pornography: As a general rule we allow personal pornography. However, due to the current political climate in the USA towards pornography this term is subject to change. Copyright: You must be the copyright holder or have permission to use any content you host through us. Unsolicited Commercial Email / SPAM: Not allowed. Any email you send that is commercial must be fully compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act and any other applicable legal standards. Unauthorized Access: Use of services provided by us to gain unauthorized access into any other system or to support any attempt to gain access to any other computer system is strictly prohibited. Denial of Service attacks: Not allowed. We will attempt to work with you if you are the one being attacked, but make no guarantees on protection. In addition, if our services are being affected by the attack we may ask you to find another host.
  9. This is a simple terms of service that outlines the major things. It is intended for the average person to read. It is not legal jargon. If there is an issue not covered by these terms of services that pops up, I reserve the right to rectify the issue at my prerogative. These terms of services can be updated at any time, for any reason. If you do not agree with the new terms of services, you must stop using our services. Last updated: 01/26/2025 Indemnification: Under no circumstances shall we (ready.art or its team) be held liable for damages resulting from any interruption of service. You (as in, you!) also acknowledge that in no case will we (ready.art or its team) be liable for damages as a result of our negligence. You acknowledge that you make use of our services at your own risk. You also acknowledge that data backups are your responsibility. You agree to not hold us liable for data loss. Violation of Terms: We will attempt to work with you to resolve any violations. Depending on the severity of the violation, we may opt to simply terminate you without warning. This includes full data loss and loss of services. Basically, in laymans terms: If we think it’s intentional and the violation is severe, you’re out. In the event we opt to work with you, your service will be suspended until we are in communication and the issue has been addressed. These terms of service also includes our Acceptable Use Policy. To see this policy, click here. You agree to the acceptable use policy by using our services.
  10. This is intended for the average person. So in laymans terms: What do we do with the data we have on you: Data, such as cookies, or other data you upload, may be retained on our systems. We do not sell it, we do not trade it, we do not give it away. We do not use it for advertisements, either. The only thing we use the data for is providing services to you with their intended purpose in mind. Basically, if a website has a cookie, we use it for that purpose. If you upload an email, it’s used for that purpose.
  11. FrenzyBiscuit started following EXL2 Quants
  12. FrenzyBiscuit posted an article in Articles
    You can find our exl2 quants here: https://huggingface.co/ReadyArt If you would like to request EXL2 quants, you can private message me directly.
  13. FrenzyBiscuit changed their profile photo
  14. We are a small group of people. Our primary focus is hosting eMail with a secondary focus on a few other areas, including LLM’s, KVM’s and the Fediverse.